"What is Manuscript Mastery?"
I'm glad you asked.
Over three weeks I read
every page
of your manuscript, taking notes, and drafting a personalized
Manuscript Mastery Analysis.
This analysis tells you
what you're doing well
and how to keep doing what you do
It also tells you how you can improve, with
specific suggestions
that show you a
Finally, you get my
recommendations for follow-on editing.
I make it easy for you.
And right now I'm offering
when you participate in
WHY, though?
"Why should I start with the Manuscript Mastery process for my book?"
Great question!
I have three answers.
When you start with Manuscript Mastery, the ENTIRE COST of the process is CREDITED toward any further editing we do together.
This process gives you a TRIAL PERIOD. If you decide that we're not a good fit as author and editor, then you have an easy out at the end of the three-week process, without having broken the bank on an editor only to realize you don't prefer their style. The power is in your hands!
After receiving your MANUSCRIPT MASTERY ANALYSIS you might realize that you have plenty of inspiration to keep writing and perfecting your manuscript,
and that you want to hold off on further editing for the time being.
If that's the case, great!
Your credit will still stand
with me if down the line you choose
to have me do further editing.
and don't forget about the BONUSES

When you participate in MANUSCRIPT MASTERY, you also get the following bonuses:
Bonus No. 1
World-Building Guide
+ Workbook
Through my experience with immersing myself in stories like yours, I've compiled my very own guide.
If you're struggling to develop certain aspects of your story, or aren't sure what elements might be missing, THIS is the solution. I'm GIVING this to you, FREE of charge.
I take you from A to Z with your world, starting with your specific plot line, and branching out to every other imaginable aspect to create the rough draft of YOUR WORLD.
The Guide ALSO includes steps to design your VERY OWN VISUAL of your manuscript's PLOT
Bonus No. 2
"5K in 5 Days" Video Series
​In this series, you will learn how to write 5,000 words each week, in only 32 minutes a day!
This is invaluable for authors wanting to increase their productivity.
It's accompanied with a step-by-step digital workbook, that you can use as you follow along.
I share my best writing hacks, so that you can start writing MORE in LESS time!
Also included is a BONUS VIDEO that will walk you through how to take a BREAK from writing, to become re-inspired!
Bonus No. 3
Writing Tracker PDF
Use this FREE tool to track your Word Count as you write!
Writing a novel is a LONG progress and it's easy to feel like you're not making any progress. Tracking your writing is SUPER important to staying motivated.
Tracking your writing ALSO helps you learn your BEST TIMES to WRITE! This way you can better harness your creativity and maximize your productivity!
Fill it out on your computer, or print it out, and start using it immediately!